Computer Science is an important subject of West Bengal Higher Secondary Examination. For those students who are studying computer science in higher secondary, a model computer science question paper has been brought by Nur Study Point to improve your HS results. You can practise this computer science question paper as a suggestion.
Fulls Marks: 70
Times: 3 hours 15 minutes
(Marks: 35)
1. Answer the following questions (Alternatives are to be noted):
3 × 3 = 9
(a) Discuss the functions of encoder, decoder and code converter.
(b) Explain the following terms with example-malloc(), calloc().
Or, Write an algorithm for deleting elements from the stack.
(c)Write a short note on Resource Level Security on the internet.
2. Answer the following questions (Alternatives are to be noted):
4×3 = 12
(a) Define the following with example-Weak entity set, Ternary relationship.
2 + 2
(b) Explain the following relation algebra with examples—-Inner Join, Outer Join.
2 + 2
Or, Define the following terms with example full functional dependency, transitive dependency.
2 + 2
(c) Write Short Notes: (i) NFS; (ii) FTP
Or, Write two differences between Sequential and Indexed sequential file systems.
3. Answer the following questions (Alternatives are to be noted) :
7 × 2 = 14
(i) State one disadvantage of a conventional file system. What are the advantages of using link lists over arrays?
(ii) Define adjacency matrix. Write a program segment in C to represent such a matrix.
(1 + 2) + 4
(i) Differentiate between Synchronous and Asynchronous transmission.
(ii) Write down the structure of Class A, Class B and Class C IP addresses. Can two machines in a network have the same IP address?
3 + (3 + 1)
(b) Do the following tasks using C++ language using OOP:
(i) Design a class having the name SI.
(ii) Declare the 3 integer data principal, time, rate and take the value as input through the input ( ) function.
(iii) Find the interest of that class using another member function calculate ( ).
2 + 3 + 2
Or, What is the use of indexing? Differentiate between primary and secondary index. The following table
HOTEL (Hotelno, Name, Address)
ROOM (Roomno, Hotelno, Type, Charge)
Where underlined fields form the primary keys:
Write the relational queries for the following tasks:
(i) List all hotels.
(ii) List all rooms of Hotelno 10 with a charge between Rs. 2,000.
[(1 + 2) + (2 + 2)]
(Marks: 35)
1. Find out the correct answer out of the options given against each question :
1 × 21 = 21
(i) How is a JK flip-flop made to toggle?
(a) J = 0, K = 0
(b) J = 1, K = 1
(c) J = 0, K = 1
(d) J = 1, K = 1
Ans:(d) J = 1, K = 1
(ii) On a master-slave flip-flop, when the master disabled?
(a) When the gate is LOW
(b) When the gate is HIGH
(c) both the above
(d) neither of the above
Ans:(b) When the gate is HIGH
(iii) How many different states does a 3 bit asynchronous counter have?
(a) 2
(b) 4
(c) 8
(d) 16
Ans:(c) 8
(iv) Which header file should be included to use functions like malloc( ) and calloc()?
(a) memory.h
(b) stdlib.h
(c) string.h
(d) dos.h
Ans:(b) stdlib.h
(v) Process of removing element from the stack is called as
(b) PUSH
(d) POP
Ans:(d) POP
(vi) Where is HUB specified in the OSI model?
(a) Session Layer
(b) Physical Layer
(c) Data Link Layer
(d) Application Layer
Ans:(b) Physical Layer
(vii) Which of the following domain's nature is used to donate to any government organisation?
(a) .net
(b) .org
(c) .gov
(d) .edu
Ans:(c) .gov
(viii) Which class of IP address has the most host addresses available by default?
(a) A
(b) B
(c) C
(d) A and B
Ans:(a) A
(ix) What is the address range of a class B network address in binary?
(a) 01XXXXXX
(c) 10XXXXXX
(d) 110XXXXX
Ans:(c) 10XXXXXX
(x) SQL stands for______
(a) Sequential Query Language
(b) Structured Query Language
(c) Structured Question Language
(d) Sequential Question Language
Ans:(b) Structured Query Language
(xi) The primary key is selected from the-
(a) Composite Keys
(b) Determinants
(c) Candidate Keys
(d) Foreign Keys
Ans:(c) Candidate Keys
(xii) In a one-to-many relationship the entity that is on the one side of the relationship is called a (n).......... entity.
(a) parent
(b) child
(c) instance
(d) subtype
Ans:(a) parent
(xiii) The SQL keyword (s)______ is used with wildcards.
(a) IN only
(b) LIKE only
(c) NOT IN only
(d) IN and NOT IN
Ans:(b) LIKE only
(xiv) Every time attribute A appears, it is matched with the same value of attribute B, but not the same value of attribute C. Therefore it is true that
(a) A -> B
(b) A -> C
(c) A -> (B, C)
(d) (B, C) -> A
Ans:(a) A -> B
(xv) A functional dependency is a relationship between or among
(a) tables
(b) rows
(c) relations
(d) attributes
Ans:(d) attributes
(xvi) Which of the following is NOT a basic element of all versions of the E-R model?
(a) Entities
(b) Attributes
(c) Relationships
(d) Primary Keys
Ans:(d) Primary Keys
(xvii) What do the following declarations signify? Char * arr [10]
(a) arr is a array of 10 character pointer
(b) arr is a array of functions pointer
(c) arr is a array of characters
(d) arr is a pointer to array of characters
Ans:(a) arr is a array of 10 character pointer
(xviii) Which of the following is not the member of class?
(a) Static function,
(b) Friend function
(c) Const function
(d) Virtual function
Ans:(b) Friend function
(xix) Which of the following concepts of OOPs means exposing only necessary information to clients?
(a) Encapsulation
(b) Abstraction
(c) Data hiding
(d) Data binding
Ans:(c) Data hiding
(xx) Which of the following access specifiers is used in a class definition by default?
(a) Protected
(b) Public
(c) Private
(d) Friend
Ans:(c) Private
(xxi) Which of the following keywords is used to control access to a class member?
(a) default
(b) break
(c) protected
(d) continue
Ans:(c) protected
2.Answer the following questions (Alternatives are to be noted):
1×14 = 14
(i) Define flip-flop.
Or, What is the application of T flip-flop?
(ii) What is the difference between synchronous and asynchronous counters?
Or, How many types of shift register are there and write their names also?
(iii) Compare array with pointer.
(iv) Write one disadvantage of a convention file system.
Or, What type of information is stored in a batch file?
(v) Write one difference between Internet and Intranet.
Or, What do you mean by bps?
(vi) Write one difference between half duplex and full duplex communication,
Or, Explain the term ISP.
(vii) Write one function of DBA.
(viii) What do you understand about the Weak entity set?
Or, Write one advantage of DBMS over a traditional file system.
(ix) Write down the full form of SDL.
(x) Write down the full form of FDDI.
(xi) Write down the characteristics of 1NF.
Or, What do you mean by physical data independence?
(xii) What is the use of the <hr> tag in HTML?
(xiii) Define Destructor in C++.
(xiv) What is an object in C++?