West Bengal HS Exam 2024: What to take in the higher secondary exam? Your exam could be cancelled if you make these mistakes! Definitely check it out.

 West Bengal HS Exam 2024: What to take in the higher secondary exam? Your exam could be cancelled if you make these mistakes! Definitely check it out.

West Bengal HS Exam 2024: What to take in the higher secondary exam? Your exam could be cancelled if you make these mistakes! Definitely check it out.

HS Exam 2024: What to take in the higher secondary exam hall? Higher secondary examinations will start on February 16. It will continue until the 29th of February. The exam will start at 9.45 a.m. and continue until 1 p.m. In other words, the exam should be given for 3 hours and 15 minutes. Candidates have already collected their admit cards from the schools. In this situation, some questions or thoughts about the exam have arisen in the minds of the examinees. What are the things to take with you when you go to take the higher secondary exam? Many people have questions about this. Today's report discusses this in detail, so be sure to read the report carefully.


Some things should be taken to the higher secondary examination centre.

(1) Admit Card and Registration: An admit card and registration are very important for every candidate. No candidate can enter the examination centre without it. So you must take the admit card and registration to the exam centre. Before leaving home, check whether the admissions card and registration are with you.


(2) Cardboard:After the admissions card and registration, the most important thing is cardboard. Since thin notebooks will be provided for writing, if there is no cardboard, the examinee will have a lot of trouble writing. So definitely, take cardboard. But in this case, the pitch board should be transfer or wooden. At the same time, there is no paper on the cardboard and no writing. Or the cardboard can be discarded.


(3) Pen: Take two ink pens with you for the exam. Answer with a blue and black ink pen. Pointing with one ink and writing answers with one ink. By doing this, your account will attract a lot of attention while being viewed. Remember, green, red, yellow, etc. ink pens can't be used in the exam centre except blue and black. You may run out of ink before taking the test. So keep two ink pens three by one.


(4) Scale, pencil, rubber, and geometry box:Be sure to take the scale with you to draw the margin. Besides, many tests require drawing or map-pointing. In that case, keep a pencil, pencil compass, geometry box, and rubber.


(5) Watches, water bottles, and handkerchiefs: The exam will last more than 3 hours. And the whole time will be spent writing. It also happens that a question is left unanswered after writing for a long time. To avoid this, keep a watch with you. So that answers can be written over time. Meanwhile, staying in the examination centre for a long time will make you thirsty. Take a water bottle for this. And keep a handkerchief with you. Because while writing for a long time, the hands of the examinees get sweaty. And to get rid of this kind of problem, it is important to keep a handkerchief nearby.

(6) Calculator:There is one more thing to do before entering the higher secondary examination centre. That is the calculator. It may not be taken by everyone or in all tests. Only students in the science and commerce department can enter with a calculator in the exam, which requires calculation along with maths. Even if you are a science and commerce candidate, keep a calculator with you.


Do not take anything.

Keep a few things in mind while going for the exam. The cardboard that will be taken along should not have any kind of paper on it. Do not carry things like money, glasses, jewellery, etc. that are not required for the examination. Apart from this, smart watches and mobile phones cannot be taken along. Besides, the calculator that you keep with you

should not have storage.


Stay updated with us on the official website of the West Bengal Board of Higher Secondary Education (https://wbchse.wb.gov.in/) to get all the latest updates on the exam.

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