Report Writing কি?
কোনো ঘটনা স্বচক্ষে দেখে বা নিজে কানে শুনে অথবা অপরের কাছে শুনে, ঘটনার বিবরণ লিপিবদ্ধ করে অন্যকে জানোনো হল Report Writing বলে।
প্রিয় ছাত্র ছাত্রী ,উচ্চ মাধ্যমিক ২০২৪ [HS 2024] পরীক্ষায় ইংরেজিতে 10 নাম্বারের রাইটিং আসবে। এই 10 নাম্বারের জন্য তিনটি মধ্যে যে কোনো একটি করতে হবে । সেগুলি হল –
Report Writing (10 marks)
Letter Writing (10 marks)
Precis Writing (10 marks)
এই তিনটি বিকল্প এর মধ্যে যেকোনো একটির উত্তর করলেই চলবে।
H.S. Important Report Writing Suggestion
How to write Report (রিপোর্ট কিভাবে লিখবে):
1. Report লেখার প্রথম শর্ত হল বারবার Hints গুলো যত্নসহকারে পড়বে ও বোঝবে।
2. Report লেখার শুরুতেই একটি উপযুক্ত ও তাৎপর্যপূর্ণ Title দিতে হবে। Title হবে Indirect Speech-এ লেখা ছোটো এবং বিষয়বস্তুকে প্রতিফলিত করতে হবে ।
3. Title-টি Capital letter-এ লিখতে হবে যেমন- TWO KILLED BY BIKE ACCIDENT অথবা প্রতিটি শব্দের প্রথম Letter Capital হবে (Prepositions ও Conjunctions বাদে) যেমন- Two Killed by Bike Accident
4. Title-এর নিচে একটু ডানদিকে অথবা Report-এর নিচে ডানদিকে "By staff reporter" / From our special Correspondent লিখতে হবে।
5. কোন স্থান হতে Report-টি লেখা হচ্ছে বা ঘটনার স্থান, তারপর মাসের নাম, তারিখ ও বছর লিখে কোলন (:) চিহ্ন দিয়ে Report লেখা শুরু হবে। যেমন— Howrah, 6th October, 2022:
6. Report হবে Past Tense-এ লেখা, নিজেস্ব মতামত হীন, সহজ, সরল ও সাবলীলভাষায়, যাতে সাধারণ পাঠক সহজেই বুঝতে পারে।
Format of any School Function observation.
(পালিত দিনের নাম) Day Observation
Amta, 8th Jan, 2024: The student of Amta Pitambar High school observed (উৎযাপিত দিনের নাম) yesterday with great enthusiasm (উদ্যম). The whole school building was beautifully decorated with flowers, festoons and banners and lights. The H.M. of our school Mr.Topon kumar Das presided over the function. The local MLA Dr. Nirmal maji was the honored chief guest. The BDO of Amta was the honored special guest. He inaugurated the programme by hoisting the school flag. The function started with an opening song ,sung by the students of class XII at 11.00 A.M. A cultural programme followed. There are recitations and songs. Some students of class X staged a drama. Then our chief guest gave a short but impressive speech on the importance of the day followed by a valuable speech by a special guest. It was a grand success. The students, teachers and the local guardians left with a note of praise for the function. At last our president thanked the student for organizing such a programme. The whole programme left a long lasting impression on everybody's mind.
● Write a Newspaper Report on (in about 150 words) CoronaVirus Awareness programme.
[CoronaVirus Awareness programme]
By a staff reporter
Amta, 8th February, 2024: In collaboration with Chandrapur Hospital Private Limited, Chandrapur Eleven Star Sporting Club organized a CoronaVirus Awareness programme with all seriousness on 7th April, 2024. The event was aimed to spread awareness about the Novel CoronaVirus and precautionary measures for the same. All the local Doctors, Students, Club members and some renowned personalities were invited in the programme. Keeping in mind the situation there were sufficient arrangements of masks, sanitizers and social distancing. The programme was inaugurated (a) by Professor S. K. Abdul Sukur, Director, Chandrapur Hospital Private Limited. In his inaugural speech Dr. Saha shared his knowledge about the CoronaVirus, Safety Measures to prevent the virus, Symptoms of CoronaVirus and how the virus is spreading among people. He also clearly explained the ways to improve our immunity of body and food style which could prevent from viral infections. The awareness talk was followed by a Question and Answer session which was highly appreciated by the participants for dispelling their doubts about various aspects of the CORONA Virus disease. The session ended with vote of thanks.
● Write a report on West Bengal Government Launches Student Credit Card Scheme
[Launched of Student Credit Card Scheme]
By a staff reporter
Howrah, 30th June 2023: Almost every student wants to pursue higher education but due to poor financial conditions, there are many students who are not able to fulfil their dream of getting higher education. In order to ensure the availability of higher education among all the students, West Bengal Government has launched Student Credit Card Scheme. Through this scheme students studying in class 10th or above can take a loan up to Rs-10 lakh for higher studies. This loan will be available to them at a very low rate of 4% interest. For availing of the benefit of this loan, students will be provided a credit card. With the help of this credit card, students can withdraw the amount of loan. All those students who have been living in West Bengal for the last 10 years can take benefit from this scheme. Under this scheme, loans can be availed for undergraduate, postgraduate, doctoral, and postdoctoral studies in India or abroad. The upper age limit to avail benefit of the scheme is 40 years at the time of application. The repayment period is 15 years. 1 % interest concession will be provided to borrowers if the interest is fully serviced during the study period.
●Write a report on the cleaning drive Programme in your School.
[Cleaning Drive Programme]
By a staff reporter
Amta, May 12, 2023: The students of Amta pitambar High School organized a cleaning drive programme with tremendous enthusiasm. All the students took brooms, buckets and spades. Wherever they saw any garbage, they removed it immediately. They spread bleaching powder to the dirty areas. They also cleaned the water-logged in all areas. The teachers also stretched their hands in the cleaning operation. The work continued for about seven hours, starting from ten in the morning and ending at about five in the evening. As a part of this drive the students and the teachers took out a morning rally in the adjoining areas on the day with slogans,banners, festoons and placards urging people to use safe water and to maintain proper health and hygiene in life. It is hearty enough to see the school taking steps in the matter. Such a project has been appreciated and praised by the Government and all the people. The drive created a huge stir among the guardians and the local people.
● Write a report on the campaign against 'child marriage', organized by your school.
[Campaign against 'Child Marriage']
By a staff reporter
Amta, March 8, 2023: On the event of the International Women's Day celebration, Amta Girl's High School, organized a campaign against child marriage'. The local Women Police Station had extended their helping hands in spreading the awareness . An event was organized at the playground of the school and people from all over the District had turned up. The Chairperson of Women Commission was present as the Chief Guest of the programme. Skits and dance dramas were performed that convey social messages. The importance of education in the life of a child both male and female was spoken of. That child marriage is followed by ill-health, especially for a girl was highlighted. The Office-in-Charge of Women police Station, in his speech had spoken of his initiative to curb child marriage in his area. Such a project has been appreciated and praised by the Government and all the people. The drive created a huge stir among the guardians and the local people.
● Write a report for publishing in the local periodical magazine about a programme on safe drive, save life.
[Safe Drive save life campaign]
By a staff reporter
Amta, July 20, 2023: In collaboration with Amta Police Station, Amta Balika Vidyalaya launched a 'safe drive save life' Campaign with great eagerness . It was organized for the awareness of road safety, a most important-sensitive component today on the road. All students, teachers, Police officials and local people were out in rallies on streets with placards on road safety. They urged everybody to maintain traffic rules. They tried to make people aware of the different crossings of the streets. Roses and sweets were given to the riders without helmets to bring them back to their senses. Then a number of programs like quiz, debate, making project, essay writing etc. were arranged for all. At the end of the campaign , a seminar was held amidst the gracious presence of the officer-in-charge. He explained the functions of different signaling systems. All took an oath that all must obey the traffic rules and patiently drive the car and bike to make for safe roads for others. Thus the awareness campaign had a great impact on everybody's mind.
●Write a report on Educational Tour/Excursion in your School.
[Educational Excursion]
By a staff reporter
Kolkata, 25th Jan, 2024: This year also, like every year, our school has organized an educational tour to New Delhi. It is a historical place. It was a tour full of fun and enjoyment. We, the students, got the chance to learn in a different environment. This tour helped the students to learn how to become self-sufficient. The students also learnt to adjust to every situation and to look after their belongings. We boarded the Rajdhani Express. We reached New Delhi on 22th December. There were 60 students and six teachers. All of us enjoyed history here. We visited the Raj Ghat, Lal Qila, Parliament House, India Gate and the Qutub Minar in New Delhi. We all became surprised when we crossed the palatial doors of Red Fort. The guides gave information about historical facts. We were amazed to know the facts and enjoyed it a lot. Our respected teachers guided us with much care and affection. The constant companionship of my friends also made this trip a successful one. would be a part and parcel of such an educational tour again. This touching experience will ever remain in my memory.
●Write a report on 'Kanyashree Divas' in your school for the local periodical magazine.
[Observation of 'Kanyashree Divas']
By our special Correspondent
Bagnan, Aug 15, 2023: The cultural committee of Bagnan Girls High School organized a colorful cultural programme yesterday on the auspicious occasion of Kanyashree Divas observation. We all know that the Govt. of West Bengal took an initiative (GIS) to uplift the status of the girl child, prevent feticide , early marriage, and decrease the drop-outs of the girl students. To put forth a special emphasis 14th August is observed as Kanyashree Divas in every school of West Bengal. All the students, the guardians and some renowned personalities were invited to the school. The programme started with an opening song at by the school girls. It was presided over by the Headmistress of the school and graced by the presence of renowned social worker and professor Ms. Milli Samanta. The students took part in many events and their performances were praiseworthy . A self-composed play was performed on the significance of the day. In his speech the Headmistress of the school encouraged all the students to continue their studies. Ms. Samanta called upon all the girl students to come forward and be a part for the development of our nation. The whole programme left a long lasting impression on everybody's mind.
● Write a report on the observation of the world Environment day
[(5th June) in your School. Observation of World Environment day in School.]
By a staff reporter
Amta, June 6, 2023: The world environment day was observed in Amta balika Vidyalaya in a befitting manner yesterday. Several programmes were taken to make students aware of the importance of the day. The D.I. of North 24 parganas presided over the function and among the other distinguished persons like-B.D.O, the local F.O. and the local MLA were present in the programme. The function was inaugurated with the planting of saplings in the school premises by the president and others followed. The president and others emphasized on the necessity of the pollution free environment and the role of the students in this regard. To combat the danger of global warming and the alarming rate of deforestation they all reminded the students of their duties and responsibilities. Besides students, there were a large number of guardians and local people in the programme. The entire programme became a grand success in all respects.
● Write a report on the Annual Sports of your school to be published in the school magazine.
By a staff reporter
Amta, July 22, 2023: Students, teachers and non-teaching staff of Amta Pitambar High School celebrated the Annual Sports Meet with tremendous enthusiasm today at the school ground. Mr. Md. Habib , a renowned football player, was the chief guest for the occasion. The event started at 10.30 am. The national flag and the school flag were hoisted by the Secretary of the Managing Committee and the Headmaster of the school respectively. The solemn oath for the event was taken by Abdul Hai , a student of the school who had won a medallion in the inter district school sports. The running events comprised 100m, 200m, 400m, 800m, 1500m, and 4x100m relay. The jump events included the long jump, high jump and triple jump. The throwing events were discus, shot-put and javelin throws. The competitors tried hard to excel কৃতিত্বের পরিচয় দেওয়া ) in the events. The position holders were felicitated at the victory stand by different dignitaries . The last event, 'Go As You Like', was an attractive one. Sk Monirul, a student of Class V, posed as Swami Vivekananda and was adjudged the winner. Finally, prizes were distributed and the event came to an end around 3 p.m.
● Write a report in the local periodical magazine on a 'farewell meeting' of a beloved teacher of your school.
[ A Solemn Farewell Meeting ]
By a staff reporter
Uluberia, May 22, 2023: Our beloved teacher Mr. Ashibul Middya retired from his valuable service to spend the rest of his life in peaceful remembrance. A humble function was organized to bid him a hearty farewell. The ceremony began with the student's opening song. Our headmaster presided over the function. Then the students honoured their beloved teacher Mr. Ashibul Middya with garland and hearty respect. One by one other teachers gave their brief speech wishing him good luck. All the students paid their reverence, respect and love to him. Mr. Ashibul Middya made a heart touching speech. His words were full of deep nostalgia revealing his unmixed love and affection for us. At last our headmaster Dr. Samirul Ali spoke in his brief finishing speech about Mr. Roy as a teacher and his sacrifice for the school. The whole ceremony nicely revealed everyone's deep feelings and created a void at his retirement. The farewell Meeting ended with a recitation of a Bengali poem 'Sesh Biday.
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