Class 10 Physical Science Suggestion 2024 in English। Wbbse


100% chance to upcoming MADHYAMIK  PHYSICAL SCIENCE examination 

Nur study point provides free  top suggestions to follow before the exam to better your preparation and boost your confidence to perform well in WBBSE Physical Science Exam 2024.Wbbse is going to conduct the examination in offline mode .so,this suggestion helps to 80-90 % score in the PHYSICAL SCIENCE board examination.

1st Chapter: Concern about our environment

A).. Very short answer type questions:

1.. What is 'methane hydrate'?

2. Write disadvantages of using solar energy?

3. Write the name of a greenhouse gas which contains nitrogen atom.

4. From which layer of atmosphere radio wave is reflected? 

5. Write the name of an organic greenhouse gas. 

6. Name an energy source which can be used for sustainable development. 

7. Which fuel gas is harvested from coal -bed? 

8 . Which radiation ,coming from sun ,is prevented by the ozone layer from falling on the earth's surface? 

9. Which atom emerged from chlorofluorocarbon under the influence of UV rays does dissociate ozone gas into oxygen? 

10. In Troposphere temperature ________ with increase in altitude. 

11. Mention the harmful effects of global warming. 

12. Mention one use of biogas.

13 . What is the role of NO in decomposition of ozone in the ozone layer? 

14. Among charcoal,petrol and ethanol which one is a fossil fuel ? 

15. By what name is the topmost region of stratosphere called? 

Short  answer type questions:

1.. What is fiery ice ? What is the reason behind such nomenclature? 

2. Mention two bad effects of global warming. 

3. How does chlorofluorocarbon destroy ozone layer ? 

4. Mention two harmful effects of ozone layer depletion.  

5. What is meant by calorific value of a fuel? Write down the unit of calorific value of fuel.

6. What is the concept of sustainable development? 

7 . Write the reason in which layer among the layers of the atmosphere the pressure is the highest? 

8. What is the main disadvantage of using conventional energy continuously?

What is non-conventional energy? 

2nd Chapter: Behaviour of gases

A).. Short answer type questions:

1.. The volume of a balloon becomes 1200L ,After filling it with hydrogen gas at 27°C temperature and 83.1 cm of Hg pressure.  What amount of hydrogen gas was required in mole ,to fill the balloon? (Density of Hg is 13.6 g/cm³

2. Calculate the final volume of a gas if pressure originally at STP is doubled and it's temperature is made three times .

3. Find out the volume of 24 g Helium gas at atmospheric pressure and 273°C temperature? 

4. Football is being inflated by pumping.  In this case both pressure and volume are increasing.  Does this incident violate Boyle's law? 

5. What will be the volume of H2    gas(H=1) at the pressure of 4 atmosphere and temperature of 300K { R=0.082 lit-atm mol-¹ K-¹.

Explanatory type questions:

1.. What is meant by molar volume of a gas?Mention two reasons for deviation of real gases from the behavior of ideal gases? 

2. What is the absolute zero temperature? Find out the value of absolute zero temperature from the mathematical form of Charles's law.

3. State Charles's law related to gases and represent it graphically (V vs T)

4. Prove That PV=nRT

Or, Establish ideal gas equation on the basis of Boyle's law,Charles's law and Avogadro's law.

5. How can you convert real gas into ideal gas ? 14g of N2 is there in a container of capacity 10 L at 27°C temperature.  What is the pressure of that gas? 

6. If the volume of 2.2 g of a gas is 1640 cm³ at 27°C temperature and 570 mm of Hg pressure, then What is the molecular weight of the gas ? 

3rd CHAPTER: Chemical Calculations

4th Chapter: Thermal phenomena

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Explanatory type questions: 

1.. Write down the three factors on which conduction of heat through a solid substance depends.

2. In between an iron chair and a wooden chair kept in the sun which one does seem hotter if it is touched ? Explain with reasons. Where is the thermostat instrument used?

3. What is coefficient of linear expansion of solid? ' The value of coefficient of linear expansion of copper is 17×10‐⁶ ° C-¹ —what does it mean .

4. Which quantities remain fixed in the definition of volume expansion coefficient of a gas? Name a non - metal which is a good conductor of heat ? 

5. Give an example of volume expansion of a liquid on heating.  The area of a solid substance at a temperature of T1 K is A1 sq m and that at a temperature of T2 K is A2 sq m . Write down the mathematical expression for the coefficient of area expansion with unit,of that solid substance.  

6. Define co- efficient of surface expansion.  Write its SI unit? 

7. What is thermal conductivity? What is it's SI unit ? 

8. Mention two similarities between heat conduction and electrical conduction.  Mention a non- metal having high thermal conductivity.  

9. Would mercury be used as a temperature indicator in a glass thermometer if the value of coefficient of real expansion of mercury is equal to the value of coefficient of volume expansion of glass ? Write one use of bimetallic strip . 

5th Chapter: Light

🔴 Short answer type questions:

1.. Define with diagram the principle focus of concave mirror.  

2. Show with diagram what will be the value of angle of deviation if light ray refracted from i) denser medium to rarer medium and ii) rarer medium to denser medium. 

3. Where in front of a concave mirror image of an extended object placed at infinity will be formed by the mirror? Mention one feature of the image. 

4. Mention two features of the image formed by a simple camera . 

5. What kind of mirror is used in the headlight of a car and why ? 

6. How does the refractive index of a medium depend on the velocity of light ? 

7. What is meant by the optical centre f a convex lens ? 

8. Why does the earth's sky appear blue during day time ? 

9. What is the refractive index of a medium ? 

10. Which type of defect of vision is rectified by a convex lens ?

11. Why does dispersion of light ray not occur in vaccum? 

12. Why do stars twinkle but planets don't? 

13. Write the laws of refraction of light . 

14. When does a convex lens behave like concave lens and concave lens behave like convex lens ? 

15. The length of an object placed in front of convex lens is 7 cm . if the linear magnification of the object is 1.2 ,then what will be the length of the image? 

16. Write two differences of real image and virtual image.  

17. Distinguish between a concave and convex mirror.

🔴 Explanatory type questions:

1.. If a light ray passes through prism , then show that the value of angle of deviation d =i1 +i2+ A ( Here symbols are used in practical sense) 

2. Write two differences between a myopic eye and a hypermetropic eye. 

3. Establish with the help of line diagram the relation between radius of curvature and focal length of a concave mirror.  

4. What will be the velocity and wavelength of a light in a medium of refractive index 1.5 if the wavelength of that light is 6000 Å in air medium? 

5. The principal section of a prism is an equilateral triangle.  If a ray of light is incident at an angle of 30° on one of the refracting surfaces and emerges at an angle of 45° from the other refracting surface, what is the angle of deviation. 

6. How can an erect and magnified image be formed with the help of a convex lens ? With the help of which type of lens long -sightedness can be rectified? 

7. If the velocity of light in a medium is 2×10⁸ m/s what will be the refractive index of that medium? 

8. The refractive index of a medium with respect to air is √ 2 .If the angle of incidence of a ray of light in air is 45° ,determine the angle of deviation for that ray in case of refraction.  

9. What type of mirror is used by the dentists? Why a ray of light does not deviate as a result of reflection through a glass slab ? 

10. When an object is placed 20 cm away from a convex lens, no image is obtained on either side of the lens . What is the focal length of the lens ? If the refractive index of glass with respect to air is 1.5 ,what is the refractive index of air with respect to glass ? 

11. The length of an object is 5 cm . An image of length 10 cm in front of a convex lens . What is the linear magnification and image distance? 

12. What is dispersion of light? Will there be dispersion of white light within a glass slab after refraction when white light is incident on the glass slab at an angle of 45°?

5th Chapter: Current Electricity

Short answer type questions:

1.. write Flemming's left hand rule.

2. Two copper wires of same cross-sectional area has ratio of length 1:2  . Calculate the ratio of resistances. 

3. Define resistance of a conductor from ohm's law . 

4. An electric lamp is marked with 220V -60 w. What is the meaning of it?

5. A cross-section of a wire made with the material of specific resistance 9×10-⁶ ohm-cm is 18 cm². What length of the wire will have a resistance of 1×10‐³ ohm? 

6. With increase in temperature the resistance of a conductor increases-—explain. How does the heat produced in a conductor change when the current is made double ? 

7. What do you understand by the term " resistivity of copper is 1.68×10-⁶ ohm- cm "? 

8. State Lenz's Law related to electromagnetic induction.  

9. Mention two advantages of using a CFL lamp over an incandescent bulb. 

10. Mention similarity and dissimilarity between electromotive force and potential difference. 

11. What is the utility of earthling in a domestic electrical circuit? What is the potential of earthing wire? 

12. Write Ampere's swimming rule . 

Explanatory type questions: 

1.. write Joule's Laws related to heating effect of current.  

2. Write Faraday's laws of eletromagnetic induction.  What is the meant by alternating current? 

3. Write in brief the basic principle of hydroelectric power generation.  

4. What is temperature coefficient of resistance? In case of which substance the value of it becomes negative? 

5. What do you mean by equivalent resistance? Find out the equivalent resistance when r1,r2,r3, ohm resistances are connected in series? 

6. There are two 40 watt lamps and two 120 watt fans in a house. The lamps and fans run 10 hours daily. Find out the expense in a month if an unit of electricity costs ₹4 (Assume 1 month = 30 days ) 

7. Calculate the equivalent resistance when a wire of resistance of 10 ohm is divided in two equal parts and connected in parallel combination.  

8. Find out the ratio of resistance for two lamps of 220V –60W and 110V–60W . 

9. Two metallic conductors A and B of same lengths have resistivities of 1.6×10-⁸ohm-m and 3.2×10-⁸ohm-m respectively.  These two conductors are separately connected to the same potential difference.  What should be the ratio of their cross sections in order to have the same current flowing through each of them ? 

10. An electric bulb of resistance 440 ohm is connected to 220 volt mains for 10 hours . Find the amount of electrical energy consumed in BOT unit . 

11. A metal wire resistance 6 ohm is stretched so that its length becomes double of its original length.  What would be the final resistance? 

12. What should be the melting point and resistance of the heating coil of electric iron and fuse wire .  Why Barlow's wheel does not work in AC? 

6th Chapter: Nucleus of Atom 

Very short answer type questions: 

1.. Write the relation between curie and Becqueral . 

2. Give an example of a natural radioactive element.  

3. Which kind of nuclear reaction produces energy in a nuclear reactor? 

4. Which law explains the release of huge amount of energy in nuclear fusion? 

5. Which kind of nuclear reaction is the source of sun's energy? 

6. Mention one misuse of nuclear fission reaction . 

7. Arrange α,β and γ - Ray's in ascending order of their penetrating power . 

8. What is the atomic number of the daughter element produced if an alpha particle is emitted from 92 U²³⁸ . 

9. From which part of a radioactive atom is β-particle emitted? 

10 . How much work has to be done when 1 coulomb of charge is taken against a potential difference of 1 volt? 

Explanatory type questions: 

1.. What is nuclear fusion reaction? Give example. Why is nuclear fusion reaction called thermonuclear reaction? 

2. What is meant by mass defect ? What is the source of energy released in nuclear fusion? 

3. Write the difference among α,β and γ - Ray's. Mention one use of radioactivity.

4. Explain why a new element is formed by α-particle emission but no new element is formed by γ- ray emission from a radioactive element.  

5. From which part of the atom are the radioactive rays emitted? Which radio active rays has the highest ionising power ? 

6. Write four differences between nuclear fission and nuclear fusion reaction. Why is a new element having an atomic no. 1 u more formed but the mass no. remains same if a beta particle is emitted? 

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