100% chance to upcoming MADHYAMIK HISTORY examination
Nur study point provides free top suggestions to follow before the exam to better your preparation and boost your confidence to perform well in WBBSE Geography Exam 2023.Wbbse is going to conduct the examination in offline mode .so,this suggestion helps to 80-90 % score in the HISTORY board examination.
A). Answer in Two or Three Sentences:
1..What is Social History
2. What do you mean by New Social History?
3. What do you mean by Lower Class History Culture?
4. What is meant by Autobiography and Memoir
5. What are the limitations of government documents as sources of Modern Indian History?
6. What is the importance of newspapers as a source of History?
7. What is the importance of History of environment?
8. How are memoirs or Autobiography used as sources of Modern Indian History?
9. What is the importance of the study of Local History?
10. What are government documents?
11. What is Eco-feminism ?
12. What role did the periodical somprakash perform in the Indigo revolt?
13. Which period is called the 'Age of Bangadarshan?
14. Why was the somprakash magazine totally stopped?
B). Answer in Eight or nine sentences:
1.. Highlight on the characteristics of new social history culture.
2. What is the significance of the magazine Bangadarshan in the fields of education, culture and politics of nineteenth century Bengal.
3. Write the brief note on Women's History.
4. What are the importance of the letters written by jawaharlal nehru to Indira Gandhi?
2nd CHAPTER:Reformation:Characteristic and Observation
A). Answer in two or three sentences:
1.. why is David Hare remembered?
2. What do you mean by Young BENGAL Community?
3. What is the objective of establishing 'Fort William College '?
4. Who established the Nababidhan samaj /General Brahmo samaj ,When and why?
5. What were the contribution of Grambarta Prakashika?
6. What do you mean by the conflict the East and West ? When was it ended?
7. What is meant by Macaulay's Minute?
8. Why was there a rift in the Brahmo Samaj of India ?
9. Analyses the role of Radhakanta Deb in promoting women education in Bengal?
10. What is the difference between newspaper and periodicals?
11. Why is Madhusudan Gupta ?
12. What was the principal objective of the Christian missionaries in introducing western education in India?
13. What do you mean by Renaissance in Bengal ?
B). Answer in seven or eight sentences:
1.. what was Raja Rammohon Roy's contribution in expansion of Western education in India?
2. What is the role of CULCUTTA University in expansion of higher education in Bengal ?
3. What is the importance of the magazine Bamabodhini in the Women's Freedom Movement?
4. Explain the religious reformation ideology of Vivekananda.
5. What is the role of Culcutta Medical College in developing Medical Science?
6. What picture of 19th century Bengala society is revealed in the book Hutom pyanchar Naksha?
7. What reflections of nineteenth century Bengali society do we get from the drama Nil Darpan ?
8. What role did Drinkwater Bethune play in spreading women's education in the nineteenth century?
9. Why is wood's Despatch called the 'Magna carta' of the spread of education in India?
10. Explain Sri Ramakrishna's ideas of sarva Dharma Samanwaya .
11. What was the role of Vidyasagar in Women's Freedom Movement.
12. What was the contribution of Debendranath Tagore to the Brahma Movement?
13. What is the role of CULCUTTA university in expansion of higher education in Bengal?
14. What was the outcome of expansion of western education in India?
15. What is the importance of the magazine Bamabodhini in the Women's freedom Movement?
Long question suggestion
1.. what was role of the various Brahmo samaj as in the movement for social reform in the nineteenth century BENGAL?
2. Give a brief account of the widow Remarriage movement led by Vidyasagar. What was the extent of sucess of Vidyasagar in the field?
3. What was the Anglicist-orientalist Controversy in the field of education?
4. Give an account of the various protests against the practise of sati in the first half of the 19th century. How did Rammohon Roy achieve success in the movement against sati?
3rd Chapter:Resistance and Rebellion:Characteristics and Analysis
A).Answer in Two or Three sentences:
1..What was Damin -e-Koh?
2. Mention two characteristics of wahabi?
3. What is Barasat Revolt?
4. Why is Titumir remembered?
5. What was the significance of the chuar Revolt ?
6. What was the role of the Christian missionary in the Indigo rebellion?
7. Why did the sannyasi-fakir rebellion fail?
8. What was the role of Harish Chandra Mukhopadhyay in the Indigo Revolt?
9. Why is Dudu mian remembered?
10. Briefly describe how the planters tortured the Indigo cultivators?
11. Was the Farazi movement a movement of religious revival?
12. Why did the British government introduce the Forest Law?
13. What is Dadan?
14. Which region is known as jungle Mahal?
15. What is Tarika-e-Mohammadiya?
Answer in seven or Eight sentences:
1..with what objective the colonial government enacted the forest laws?
2. Mention the cause of peasant revolt in the 18th and 19th centuries.
3. Why did the santhals rebel in 1855?
4. Write a note on : kol Revolt /Munda Revolt
5. What was the stand of Bengali education society regarding the Indigo Movement.
6. What do you know about the peasant revolt at pabna?
4th Chapter: Early stages of collective Action:Characteristics and Analysis
A).Answer in Two or Three sentences:
1.. What was Ilbert bill?
2. Mention the significance of Sabha and Samiti?
3. What was the objective behind the formation of Hindu Mela_/Bharat sabha?
4. What was the characteristics of Gaganendranath Tagore's caricature?
5. Why is the second half of the nineteenth century called the 'age of associations '?
6. How did the novel Anandamath inspire the spirit of nationalism?
7. What was the main objective of the Queen's Proclamation (1858)?
8. With what purpose are cartoons drawn?
9. State two differences between the landholders association and the Indian association??
10. What was the role of the painting "Bharatmata in the awakening of nationalism in the nineteenth century?
Answer in Seven or Eight sentences:
1.. What was the attitude of education Bengalee Society towards the Great Revolt of 1857?
2. Analysis the role of Surendranath Banerjee in the foundation and development of the Indian Association?
3. Why is the "Bangabhasha Prakashika sabha " regarded as the first political organisation?
4. Can the Great Revolt of 1857 be termed as a feudal revolt ?
5. What were the objectives behind the formation of Hindu Mela ?
6. Write a note on: Proclamation of Queen/India Rule Law
7. What was the dream of swami vivekananda in building new India ?
8. Why is the Indian Association called the forerunner of the Indian National Congress?
9. What is the importance of india society in Indian politics?
10. What was the contribution of the novel Anandamath/ Bartaman Bharat in expansion of Indian nationalism?
Long Question suggestion:
1..Briefly discuss the nature of the Great Revolt of 1857.
2. Discuss in brief about the nature and characteristics of sepoy Mutiny?
5th Chapter: Alternative thought and Initiative : characteristics and observations
Answer in Two or three sentences:
1.. What is 'Anti circular Society?
2. Why is Sir Ashutosh Mukherjee remembered?
3. What is the cause of failure of 'National Education council '?
4. Why is Dr. Mahendralal Sarkar remembered?
5. What was Rabindranath's objective in founding Sriniketan?
6. Why was William Carey memorable?
7. Which college was to transform into the Jadavpur University later and when ?
8. What was the objective of foundation of viswabharati?
9. What was the role of Panchanan Karmakar in the development of the printing press in Bengal
10. What was the role of the Indian association for the cultivation of science in the development of scientific Education in Bengal ?
11. What is the importance of the Battala publication in the history of the bengali printing press?
12 . Who was Charles Wilkins?
13. What was the importance of the introduction of Linotype printing in Bengali?
14. What was the impact of the development of the printing in Bengali?
Answer in seven or Eight sentences:
1.. Explain the relation between printed Books and the spread of education?
2. What was the contribution of Dr. Mahendralal sarkar in the cultivation of Science in Bengal ?
3. What was the role of BENGAL Technical Institute in the development of technical education in Bengal ?
4. How did the Serampore Mission Press develop into a front ranking printing press?
5. What was the contribution of Ganga Kishore Bhattacharya in the growth of Bengali Printing press ?
6. Write a note on: U N Roy & Co.
7. What was the role of jagadish Chandra Bose /Acharya Profull Chandra Roy in Science Studies in Bengal ?
8. Write a note on: Bengal Technical Institute.
/National Education Movement
Long Question suggestion:
1.. Give a brief description of Rabindranath Tagore's ideas on education ,Nature ,Man and shantiniketan .
6th Chapter: Peasant,Working class and Left movements in 20th Century India :Characteristics and Observations
1.. What is Bardoli Satyagraha/ Eka Movement?
2. What is churi chaura incident?
3. How did the Merut Conspiracy case weaken the Worker's movement in India?
4. What is Berlin committee?
5. What do you mean by 'Tripuri Crisis '?
6. With what objectives was the All India Trade Union Congress founded?
7. Why was the Workers and Peasants Party formed ?
8. What was the role of Baba Ram Chandra in peasant movement?
9. Who was Madari Pasi ?
10. What were the causes of the Moplah Revolt(1921)?
Answer in Seven or eight sentences:
1.. Write a note on: Workers and Peasant's party/ Meerut Conspiracy/Tebhaga Movement
2. What was the role of working class during the anti - partition movement of Bengal?
3. What was the attitude of the Indian National Congress towards the Bardoli Satyagraha?
4. Assess on the contribution of Manabendranath Roy in Indian Communist Party.
5. What was the role of Indian workers and other classes in the Anti-Simon Commission Movement?
Long Question suggestion:
1.. What role did the Indian National Congress play in the 20th century peasant Movement?
2. What was the role of the Leftist in the anti-colonial movement of 20th century India?
7th Chapter: Movements organized by Women,Students and Marginal People in 20th Century Indian Characteristics and analysis
Answer in Two or Three sentences:
1.. What is poonam Pact ?
2. What do you mean by Namasudra?
3. Why is Jyotirao Fule/Lila Nag/kalpana dutta/pritilata/ surya sen /Matangini Hazra /sarala Devi / jatin das remarkable?
4. Why is Rashid Ali Day observed?
5. Who are known as dalits ?
6. Why was the Deepali Sangha established ?
7. With what objective was the Anti-Circular Society founded?
8. Why did the women of Bengal observed Arandhan(non-cooking)on 16 October 1905?
9. What do you mean by BBD Bag ?
10. What is Alipur Bomb case?
11. What is Corridor warfare?
12. What is silk handkerchief Conspiracy case?
Answer in Seven or Eight sentences:
1.. Write a note on : Rasid Ali Day/ Anushilan samiti.
2. Write a note on the conflict between Gandhi and Ambedkar on the issue of Dalit Movement.
3. What was the role of students/women in the Anti-partition Movement of Bengal ?
4. What was the role of women in Quit India Movement?
Long Question Suggestion:
1.. Give a brief description of the Namasudra Movement in Bengal ?
2. Analysis on the role of Women in the armed revolutionary movement.
8th Chapter: Post Colonial India: Second half of the 20th Century
Answer in Two or Three sentences:
1.. What is tri-lingual theory?
2. What do you mean by 'Rajakar'?
3. Who are called the 'Refugees'?
4. Which period is called the age of rehabilitation in the India and why ?
5. What do you mean by the 'Direct Stuggle' of Muslim league?
6. What is meant by the Instrument of accession?
7. Mention two importance of 26 January, 1950.
8. When was Nehru- Liakat pact signed and why ?
9. Why is sardar Patel called 'The Iron Man of India?
10. Who was Patti Sriramalu?
11. Why was the states Reorganization Commission formed ?
12. Under what circumstances Hari Singh,the ruler of Kashmir signed the instrument of Accession?
13. Why was the Dar commission formed?
🔴 Answer in Seven or Eight sentences:
1.. How was the state of junagadh integrated into the Indian Union?
2. What steps did the Indian Government take to solve the refugee problem?
3. How did the government of India tackle the question of integrating the princely state into the Indian Union?
4. How did the Kashmir problem originate?
5. How was the princely state of Hyderabad incorporated into india ?
6. Write a short note on the Refugee Problem in India after Partition .
7. How was India reorganized on the basis of language after independence?
8. Write a note on : Mountbatten proposal/ India Independence Act .
9. What is the condition of vernacular states after independence?
10. Write a note on: state Reconstruction Commission.
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